Thursday, 22 November 2012


The pitch that we put forward to create the video is below, it was recorded by another member of the class. In the video we put forward thechoice of setting, storyboards, motifs, band shots, letters of permission etc.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Planning - Schedules

The schedule below is for the most important deadlines of the music video and ancillary tasks. The schedule includes the dates each piece of work has to be finished by. By creating a schedule it has given us a target to work towards, it also helps us to manage the task.

Areas of focus

As a group we decided that we would create a music video. In order to choose a song to focus on we created a spider diagram of different songs and genres, these were songs that we liked and would like to create a video for. Below you can see the spider diagram that we created:


The brief that we have been set for this advanced project is to work as a team to create a promo package and either a music video or film trailer. The second part of the project is the ancillary task, which included a website, a promotional package or a magazine advert. The task was to choose two of the ancillary tasks and create them for our music video.