Friday, 3 May 2013

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?


During the final completion stages of my development, it was essential that audience feedback was taken into consideration. Feedback was needed in order to make the essential improvements. Feedback such as:

'I feel that the video needs to include more shots of the narrative' or 'I think that the image of the album cover on the magazine advert should be larger.'

Feedback such as the above was extremely useful as I was able to make the improvements and create a stronger product.

Evaluation/ Final Product

On the 25th May a Creative Arts Evening was held, where the music videos created by 6th form were played in front an audience. After our video had been played, feedback was taken from members of the audience. Below are the videos of feedback that the group were able to acquire:

Strengths of the Video

Below I have created a collage of words that resemble the strengths that were expressed by the people in the feedback above. The words displayed show what I was able to learn about the video from the audience feedback:

Weaknesses/Improvements of the Video

Below I have created a collage of words that resemble the weaknesses/improvements that were expressed by the people in the feedback above. The words displayed show what I was able to learn about the video from the audience feedback:

Below is the reaction that the video got from the audience:

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