Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Research - Evaluation of website 1

The ancillary task was to chose between creating a website, promotion package or a magazine advert for our band. After careful consideration I have chosen to create a website and a magazine advert.

Website - The Script

This is the home page for the website that advertises the band 'The Script.' When evaluating the webpages I am looking for what has made them stand out to me, what features I like about the design of the pages. I am also looking for the codes and conventions that are followed on each webpage, what codes and conventions make a website belong to a band. In the images above, I have highlighted the main components of the webpages and the features that I felt made the page look attractive. I am now going to go through each feature and why I like it:

- The first feature that I found was the bands logo. The use of the bands logo on the top of the page is used on several other webpages I have looked at. The logo makes it easy for the audience to identify who the website is about. It is also attractive and appeals to the audience that are fans, which encourages them to carry on using the site. 

- The next feature that I liked was the menu bar. Although this is used on all sites, I wanted to comment on it. The menu bar makes it easy for the audience to navigate the site, and the if the site is easy for the audience to use, then they are less likely to get frustrated and leave the site. 

- A feature of the site that I found really intriguing was the slideshow. The slideshow starts as soon as the audience opens the webpage, which makes the page look attractive straight away. The slideshow is not a common feature to use at the top of the page, which is why I find it interesting. It uses vibrant images and all are relevant to the band. I think that the use of a slideshow would make my webpage look extremely attractive. 

- The site is made up of two columns. This allows the split the information and makes it easy for the audience to navigate the information, and makes it easy to understand the information given to the audience. 

- There are several components, or key bits of information given to the audience that have been used on many of the sites. These include 'Important news' of the band, which is something that audience fans will find intriguing. An image of the most recent album is also included on the home page of the webpage. The image of the CD cover will mean using the ancillary task of one of my groups, which will make the site more realistic and make all of the products produced link with each other further.

- Tour dates are something that I have found on several of the sites I have looked at. The use of tour dates make the site look more attractive, and I find that it makes the site more intriguing to audience. This is a feature that I am going to include on my site.

- The last component found on the site is the legal information, which is also at the bottom of the page. This is some basic information and will be something that I must include on my site.

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